We Shall Find Our Faith In Mind

It is customary to read the Book of Ruth, or Megillat Rut, on the holiday of Shavuot. You may wonder, what is the main message of the Book of Ruth? Here is one important lesson you can take to heart.

In Megillat Rut, we witness a test of faith, when Naomi repeatedly told her two daughters-in-law to go back to their place of birth instead of joining Naomi on her return to Israel.  Orpah returned, but the message of Ruth’s stubbornness of faith can inspire us that we too should be unrelenting in maintaining our Jewish way of life. 

TorahMate Ronen Khordipour brings this message alive in poetry form:

It was in Bethlehem, famine that gripped
A mother of two, to Moab she skipped

With a pair of two sons and a husband
Soon these three men died all of a sudden

Naomi was left now far from her youth
Two daughter-in-laws named Orpah and Ruth

The three women then set out on the road
Return to Judah is what they had chose

Naomi offers the women a test
“Go to your mother’s house, back to your nest”

At first both Orpah and Ruth had refused
But soon thereafter, just Ruth was enthused

To join Naomi in a foreign land
To join her mother-in-law hand in hand

“Your God is my God, your people are mine”
This declaration by Ruth was a sign

A convert's fervent devotion, named Ruth
Soon revealed about this woman a truth

For her progeny was a king we know
King David who would defeat his foe

The giant Goliath whose mother we know
Orpah who once left Naomi which shows

How Ruth refused to leave Naomi’s side
A parable that reveals her Jewish pride

She did not waiver, she did not flicker
Naomi’s entreaties did not break her

Ruth was obstinate, dogged, unbending
Strong-willed, inflexible, unrelenting

Stubborn in character could be a vice
But stubborn in faith, no need to think twice

May Ruth’s stubbornness inspire us all
Unlike Orpah, we should always stand tall

In our journeys of faith, that we shall find
Courage, conviction, our faith in mind

Ronen Khordipour makes Torah wisdom accessible to a wide Jewish audience through simple rhyming poetry. Khordipour is currently writing “Soul of the Scroll,” a book of poems for each Torah portion. Ronen is available for public readings, and can be reached at info@soulofthescroll.com.
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