Torah Study in Turbulent Times

In this week’s Torah reading, we are given the last mitzvah (commandment) of the Torah – to write a Torah scroll. The Chofetz Chaim points out that this commandment follows the verses which dictate how God will “turn His head away” from us when troubles will befall the Jewish nation, for forsaking Him. Says the Chofetz Chaim, the reason for this sequence is to teach us that even in turbulent times, studying Torah has the power to bring light and salvation, as the Talmud says (Sotah 21a) that the merit of learning Torah protects a person forever.

Rabbi Isser Zalman Meltzer published one of the volumes of his work, Even Ha’ezel, during the years of World War II. In the introduction to his work, he writes that one might ask, is this the appropriate time to publish a work of advanced Torah thought? This is a time when we are focused on saving and helping as many Jews as possible. How can one have the clarity of mind to become engrossed in Torah study?

The Best Means of Protection

To this question, Rabbi Meltzer says that on the contrary, advanced Torah study is necessary during this time more than ever! Torah provides protection and salvation, and at a time of upheaval, we need the power of intense Torah study ever more.

To support this concept, Rabbi Meltzer cites a story in the Talmud (Chulin 46a). Rabbah and Rav Yosef, two leading Torah scholars, fled their city, which was under attack, and met another Torah scholar, Rabbi Zeira. In an effort to help them, what did Rabbi Zeira do? He taught them a Torah law, which helped them resolve a question in Torah which they had. This is what Rabbi Zeira found most appropriate to discuss with them to assist them while they were fleeing for safety, because increasing involvement in Torah is the best means of protection.

Success in Battle Depends on Torah Study!

Similarly, Rabbi Meltzer points to a passage in the Talmud (Eruvin 63b) which says that in the midst of the Jews being at battle, conquering the land of Israel, an angel appeared to their leader Yehoshua (Joshua) in a threatening manner, because they had neglected proper Torah study while they were at war. Immediately after the rebuke, they engrossed themselves in Torah study.

Rabbi Isser Zalman asks, why was it so vital for them to be involved in Torah study at this time? Whatever spare time they had during battle could be used for resting in order to have strength for fighting.

Rabbi Meltzer explains that it was precisely now that studying Torah was so important because their success in battle depended upon it! They needed to be involved in Torah study in order to have the power and protection they needed for battle.

Torah – Our Number One Focus

Everyone needs salvation on one level or another. Our nation as a whole certainly needs protection and salvation. Try as we might, we have limited control over our lives. As much as we work on improving our situation and security, we will not accomplish anything without Divine Assistance. It is during this time that we want to gain as many merits as possible to be granted a new blessed year. Our number one focus should be getting more involved in Torah. Torah has the greatest power to bring us success, security and salvation.

By Rabbi Yitzchok Aryeh Strimber

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