The Seder is about reexperiencing the bitter slavery our ancestors went through and the redemption from Mitzrayim. But if we, living in 2023, never experienced real slavery and redemption, then […]
Q: On the first night of Passover, Jews all over the world gather with family for a festive “seder,” a word that means “order.” What are the 14 parts of […]
Q: What, exactly, are the six foods placed on the Passover Seder plate? A: Read the poem to find out! On Fifteenth Date, What Is On This Plate? One evening […]
Q: What type of wheat can be used for flour to make Matzah that is kosher for Passover? A: While kosher supervision of Passover flour used for “regular” matzah begins […]
When we say the blessing of hamotzi on the night of Pesach, we are accustomed to take a fragment of matzoh, together with the complete ones. Our Sages (Pesachim 115a-b) […]
As the focal point of the Passover Seder, the Seder Plate, or Ke’arah in hebrew, traditionally graces the table on Passover night. There are several different foods, each with its […]
Few things recall memories of Seder night like the words “Maxwell House”. And that’s probably exactly what their marketing team was aiming for, back in 1923, when they started giving out […]
“But how will we talk to them?” my daughter Rivka asked me, when I told her and our other children that we would be having an elderly Russian couple and […]
I’m up to the kitchen, And everywhere I look, It seems I’m uncovering, More and more gook. I’m climbing inside cupboards, Scrubbing every crack, Just please don’t ask, What I […]
As we are approaching the month of Nissan, the Yom Tov of Pesach, or Passover, is right around the corner. Our sages understood that in no uncertain terms can one […]