One of the Ten Commandments, mentioned in Parshas Yisro, is the commandment to keep Sabbath. The verses say (20:9-10), “Six days you shall labor and complete all your work. And […]
In Parshat Beshalach, the Jewish people experience the splitting and subsequent crossing of the Sea of Reeds. After so many miracles— after the 10 plagues, after slaughtering Egypt’s idol, the […]
In Parshas Bo, the Torah instructs us (12:17) to be careful that the matzah dough should not sit and become leaven. Rashi quotes our Sages who tell us that with […]
In Parshas Vayigash, the drama between Joseph and his brothers reaches its climax. Joseph was the ruler of Egypt, and his brothers, who came to purchase food from him, did […]
Parshas Vayeshev tells us that the Arab caravan that carried Yosef down to Mitzrayim was filled with spice merchants. Rashi says that usually they carry kerosene and other foul-smelling goods, […]
In this week’s Torah reading, Parshas Vayetzei, our forefather Jacob worked for his father-in-law, Lavan, as a shepherd. At a certain point, they agreed that whichever new animals would be […]
Parshas Toldos tells us that when Rivkah had an unusual pregnancy experience, she went to enquire from Hashem what it meant. It was then revealed to her that in the […]
Parshas Chayei Sarah describes the journey of Abraham’s servant, Eliezer, who was sent on a mission to Padan Aram to find a wife for his master’s son, Isaac. As Eliezer […]
“And Esav said to Yaakov, “Pour into me, now, from this very red food for I am exhausted.” Therefore, he is called Edom”. (Parshat Toldot; 25:30) Esav comes home from […]
Towards the end of Parshas Vayera, God commanded Abraham to offer his beloved son Isaac as a sacrifice on the altar. At the last moment, as Abraham was about to […]