Throughout the first part of our morning prayers, known as the Pesukei D’Zimrah, we sing praises to Hashem from chapters of Psalms. One chapter that we recite (Tehillim 150 – […]
After the Mabul (flood), Noach left the ark and brought several sacrifices to give thanks to Hashem for saving him, his family, and in fact, the entire world. The Torah […]
Parshas Noach relates the awful destruction the world suffered when the entire world was flooded as a consequence for the immoral behavior practiced by earth’s inhabitants. Almost no one was […]
Parshas Bereishis describes the creation of mankind, along with the creation of the rest of the world. However, a unique description is given to the creation of man which is […]
Sukkot is one of the special times throughout the year when we sing chapters from Psalms to Hashem, otherwise known as Hallel. Among the passages that we say are the […]
Growing up in a small town in the center of England in the 1960s, Hoshannah Rabbah was nothing more than the last day of Chol Hamoed Sukkos (Sukkot). And Chol […]
Life is only given to those who can live it, even if it seems hardIf you cannot live life, push yourself through; I know that’s the hard partIf you CAN […]
This Yom Kippur eve during the evening service, I got to a point in my prayers where I realized that there were things I had done during the past year […]
Sukkot is known as the “time of our happiness”. While all Chagim are happy times, Sukkot stands out as the pinnacle of joy. Back in the days when the Beit […]
When pushed I sometimes concede to my family outside Israel that the chagim are not so different in the diaspora and in Israel. After all, most religious people spend the […]