An Oorah Holiday Guide The three weeks that begin on Shiva Asar B’Tammuz (17th of Tammuz) and end on Tisha B’Av (the 9th of Av) are a period of mourning […]
Shavuos, the day on which we received the Torah, is celebrated with great joy every year. Besides the euphoria that Shavuos invokes, it is a day on which we ought […]
One of my earliest memories, from when I was perhaps five or six years old, is of my mother leading what was called, “Junior Congregation,” I think. It was basically […]
Recently, someone shared a copy of advice for wives which was published in a home economics book in 1950. It had things like, “Plan ahead to have a nice dinner […]
Why is it that many Orthodox Jews do not honorYom HaShoah? Don’t they care about the six million? Rabbi Chaim Mintz responds: Of course we mourn the six million. However, […]
Pesach may be the most well-known chag; it is the one we couldn’t be living without. Our slavery in Egypt was necessary for our ever-adapting nation to have a worldly […]
“…he shall pay it with its principal, adding its fifths to it…” Vayikra (Leviticus) – Chapter 5, Verse 24 According to Torah law, a thief who voluntarily returns what he has […]
The Seder is about reexperiencing the bitter slavery our ancestors went through and the redemption from Mitzrayim. But if we, living in 2023, never experienced real slavery and redemption, then […]
Whenever I get an idea about a column, I jot it down and then go back to the list when I’m ready to write. Generally, I have several to choose […]
When we say the blessing of hamotzi on the night of Pesach, we are accustomed to take a fragment of matzoh, together with the complete ones. Our Sages (Pesachim 115a-b) […]