As the focal point of the Passover Seder, the Seder Plate, or Ke’arah in hebrew, traditionally graces the table on Passover night. There are several different foods, each with its […]
“But how will we talk to them?” my daughter Rivka asked me, when I told her and our other children that we would be having an elderly Russian couple and […]
I’m up to the kitchen, And everywhere I look, It seems I’m uncovering, More and more gook. I’m climbing inside cupboards, Scrubbing every crack, Just please don’t ask, What I […]
As we are approaching the month of Nissan, the Yom Tov of Pesach, or Passover, is right around the corner. Our sages understood that in no uncertain terms can one […]
An Oorah Holiday Guide Download Print Version We designed Oorah’s ten minute guides to help you find your way around the Yomim Tovim that mark the Jewish year. Our heritage […]
The Shabbos preceding Purim is known as “Shabbos Zachor” because of the special Torah portion we read on that day. Parshas Zachor details the battle against Amalek during the reign […]
One of the large wireless phone carriers touts its service using the tagline, “It’s all about the network.” Or, something like that. It’s possible I’m confusing it because I don’t […]
If a day could be assigned a catchphrase, the choice for Purim would be obvious: “v’nahafoch hu,” “and it was reversed.” In fact, this phrase from the Megillah, “v’nahafoch hu” […]
Parshat Terumah details the instructions God gave as to how to build the Mishkan (Tabernacle). In the midst of the verses it says (25:8), “And they shall make a holy […]
In both Parshas Ki Sisa and the story of Purim, Bnei Yisroel united as one to try to accomplish a goal. In the story of Purim, Bnei Yisroel united by […]