This week’s Torah reading discusses various forbidden relationships, prefacing the topic with a warning that one should not get near such repulsive activities. Rabeinu Yonah (Shaa’rei Teshuvah, 3:80) explains that […]
A year after the Jews’ exodus from Egypt, they were commanded to bring the Passover sacrifice once again (on Passover eve) as they did the previous year. In order to […]
At the end of this week’s Torah portion, Shmini, the Torah lists the various types of animals which are kosher, and those which are not kosher. Amongst the forbidden foods […]
To explore the connection between mitzvah and matzah, we need to go back in time for a bit. It was the third day following Avraham’s circumcision. Most people would be […]
The seventh day of Passover has special characteristics to it, similar to the first day of Passover. It is celebrated with festive meals and certain additional restrictions apply on that […]
Erev Pesach (the day before Passover) is one of the busiest days of the year, and since this year (2021) it is on Shabbos, there are several issues that are […]
Changing how we perceive challenges. This week’s Torah reading focuses on our Patriarch Abraham, who was faced with many hardships on his way to becoming one of the greatest people […]
In Parshas Haazinu, it is written, “G-d is trustworthy.” Rav Chaim Shmuelevitz wonders why this is appropriate praise for G-d. Would we expect any different? Even humans are expected to […]
It was after Rosh Hashana and a friend of mine from Oorah asked me, “So any suggestions? Regarding teshuvah, I mean.” Let’s talk about teshuvah (repentance, lit. return) and what […]
Would you like to hear a riddle? Did your interest just perk up when you read that question? There’s something about riddles that catch our attention. There must be something […]