You’re more likely to find sales on salmon than heart-shaped boxes of candy in kosher supermarkets during the Jewish month of Av. That’s because the month begins with the Nine […]
This week’s Torah reading of Parshas Va’eschanan contains the passage of “Shema,” in which the Torah commands us, “And you shall love your God with your entire heart and your […]
In Parshas Matot, the tribes of Reuven and Gad approach Moses as they are about to enter the Promised Land and request that their designated shares of land be in […]
In Parshas Korach, Korach and his followers confronted Moses and accused him of appointing Aaron, his brother, as the High Priest without God instructing him to do so. The Talmud […]
“I once met a Jew who told me that he doesn’t believe that Torah is from Heaven. I challenged him, asking him how he can reject the Torah if he’s […]
Parshas Beha’alosecha discusses the Jews’ travels in the desert on their way to the Land of Israel. The verse says (9:18), “By the mouth of God they travel and by […]
Why do yeshivos learn so much Talmud, the Oral Law, when the majority of students have not even mastered the Chumash, the Written Law? Isn’t the Chumash the foundation of […]
Question: Rabbi, I am not the scholarly type and never did well in school, and it seems that Torah study is “just not for me.” I pray three times a […]
Parshas Naso describes the laws of a Nazir, someone who takes upon himself a special status in which he abstains from wine, he doesn’t cut his hair and he refrains […]
Parshas Bechukosai depicts the wonderful blessings we will receive if we study Torah properly and keep the Mitzvos (Torah commandments), and the awful curses, God forbid, if we do not. […]