Ask the Rabbi with Rabbi Chaim Mintz

Today, Hebrew is the spoken language in Israel. Given that Hebrew is called Lashon Hakodesh—the holy tongue—wouldn’t it be fitting for all Jews to speak Hebrew? And why, throughout history, did Jews develop new languages like Yiddish when we already had Lashon Hakodesh?

Rabbi Chaim Mintz responds:

The Spiritual Depth of the Hebrew Language

Whether or not one should speak Hebrew depends on the context. For sacred activities, such as Torah study or prayer, it is most fitting to use our holy language—Lashon Hakodesh.  

There is tremendous depth, meaning, and holiness in Lashon Hakodesh. The Gemara (Talmud) and Kabbalah teach that every letter of the Hebrew alphabet holds profound ideas, both in its written form and in how it is pronounced.  Unlike other languages, these letters possess intrinsic meaning, rather than merely representing sounds. 

For example, the first letter, aleph, as written in the Torah, is comprised of three parts: the body, which is a slanted vav, with the numerical value of six, and two yuds—one forming the head and the other the leg—each with a value of ten. The total value of these components is 26, which is the numerical equivalent of Hashem’s name! In just one letter, the name of Hashem is present, and when letters are combined to form words, even greater holiness is revealed.  

Hebrew Preferred for Prayer and Torah Study

This is why Lashon Hakodesh is the ideal language for Torah study and prayer. While Hashem understands us in any language, and our Torah study and prayers are valid regardless of the language used, it is much more powerful and effective when using Lashon Hakodesh.  

Why Hebrew Isn’t Used for Everyday Speech

However, when it comes to everyday speech, using Hebrew is not so simple. Up until the destruction of the Beit Hamikdash (Holy Temple), the Jewish people did in fact speak Hebrew in their daily lives, but this was only because they were on a much higher spiritual level. In later generations, when the people were no longer on that elevated plane, Hebrew ceased to be the standard language for daily life, and was reserved for sacred activities, such as study and prayer. 

Jewish Languages as a Tool for Identity

A unique Jewish language can also serve as a means of preserving our identity. When the Jewish people were in Egypt, they took care to maintain their own language, names, and mode of dress, to avoid assimilation into Egyptian society. 

Yiddish, Ladino, and Yeshivish: Preserving a Jewish Voice

Throughout our exile, many Jewish communities drew inspiration from the Jews in Egypt and created their own unique Jewish language, to maintain their distinct identity and remain separate from the surrounding non-Jewish society. In Ashkenazic communities, they spoke Yiddish, a German-based language infused with a uniquely Jewish character. And in Sephardic communities, they created Ladino, a Jewish language based on Spanish.  

Similarly, in the American yeshiva community today, many people speak what we call “Yeshivish.” Its basis is English, but is enriched with so many Yiddish and Hebrew words, together with Talmudic idioms, that an outsider listening in on a conversation would struggle to understand what’s being said. 

Modern Hebrew in Israel: A Secular Revival

It is evident that even when communities felt the need to form a uniquely Jewish language, they deliberately avoided using Lashon Hakodesh, because, as mentioned, they felt they were no longer on the level to use it for mundane affairs or everyday conversations. 

Although Hebrew is the spoken language in Israel, it’s important to recognize that the Jewish State was established and continues to be governed primarily by secular Jews. As such, many of the practices in place, including the adoption of Hebrew as the official language, were instituted by them. Had religious Jews been the ones making the decisions, it’s likely that they would not have chosen Hebrew for everyday use.

In Short: Hebrew’s Sacred Role

So, should all Jews speak Hebrew?

Today, Hebrew is reserved for holy activities like studying and praying, not for mundane matters. Yiddish, Ladino, and others were created as “Jewish languages” to strengthen our identity.

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