A Red Shockwave

As we write these lines, the USA, and in fact the entire civilized world, and in a way Klal Yisrael (the Jewish nation) in particular, are witnessing an amazing wave of events and the anticipation of its ramifications in the months, years or perhaps even decades to come. Former President Donald J. Trump and now President-elect Trump, left pundits and pollsters scratching their heads and rubbing their eyes – and some even wiping away tears (of joy or otherwise), as to how a projected, maybe razor thin, majority ended up being a red rip wave landslide. This is all besides two assassination attempts, indictments and other forms of degradation, through which Mr. Trump somehow held his own.

We all know that Hashem (God) is the ultimate Author of history. We might at times have our questions. But if we wait long enough – sometimes more than a lifetime, the answers are always there as clear as could be. Let us digress to our parshah for a moment.

The Three Guests

Parshat Vayeira begins with the three distinguished guests arriving at Avraham Avinu (Abraham our Patriarch)’s tent. Although recuperating from his recent Brit Milah, this great man spared no efforts to fully accommodate his guests.

Chazal (our Sages) tell us the missions that these three malachim (angels) were coming to fulfill:

  1. To convey the news of the forthcoming birth of Yitzchak (Isaac)
  2. To destroy Sodom
  3. To rescue Avraham’s nephew Lot (some say to heal Avraham – or both)

At first glance, these themes seem to be a somewhat haphazard collection, without any underlying similarity. But on second thought, maybe there is some connection. Let us study them.

It must be understood that although Hashem designed the world to seem like “Nature” taking its course, our job remains, however, to realize that there is Someone in charge. It is obvious, but easily overlooked. The Ramchal in the preface to Mesilat Yesharim makes the famous statement that it is the most obvious that needs constant reminders. Even Chazal use the term עולם כמנהגו נוהג – the world conducts itself as its custom.

Not to be Complacent

So that we don’t become lethargic, it is vital that Hashem send a “wake-up call” from time to time, to remind us. One of the ways is by pulling surprises. Therefore, many times, who we think is and will always be important, somehow disappears from the scene or takes a low profile. On the other hand, many people or other phenomena, whom or what we saw as nobody or nothing, suddenly take center stage.

David Hamelech (King David) writes in Tehillim (Psalms) 118 and we say it in Hallel that “the stone that the builders rejected became the cornerstone”. Also, in chapter 107 – widely recited on Erev Shabbat before Mincha, the Psalmist points to major upheavals “because of the evil behavior of its inhabitants”.


When we study the messages of three malachim, we realize the similarity – something out of the norm is taking place. First we have a woman of ninety suddenly becoming young again and bearing a child –something unheard of even then. Because by then, the world age had settled in a way more or less like our way of life. We see that Avraham (in last week’s parshah) and Sarah viewed it as a miracle of outstanding proportions.

The Agricultural Wonderland Called Sodom

Then we have the malach to destroy Sodom. We have to realize what life in Sodom was like in those days. Yechezkel Hanavi (the prophet) tells us (16:49), “This was the sin of you sister Sodom, haughty and satiated with bread, peace and quiet was to her and her environs, to the poor and needy she did not lend a hand”. It was a land very well irrigated by the Jordan, and as a result, it was a delta of the best topsoil deposits. It was nothing less than an agricultural wonderland. There was – and is – plenty of sunshine most of the year, too. Geographically, it is exactly where Africa and Asia Minor meet. Therefore, the commercial travel route was vibrant and flourishing. This is evident by the recent archaeological finds in the area. It was a virtual goldmine. But that is what brought about its wickedness.

Lot is spared – just about!

Along with that came the third message: to save Lot.  He really was guilty of not reading the messages sent to him to return to Avraham at the war of the five kings against the four. Nevertheless, he passed the test of hachnasat orchim (welcoming guests) with flying colors. It was evident that he had not entirely lost the great teachings of Avraham. The fate of Sodom was thus sealed and Lot was spared.

David Hamelech

But there was something deeper that needed to be saved: David Hamelech and eventually Mashiach (the Messiah), who descended from Lot. This is not all. The songs of David form the basis of the Avodah (ritual services) in the Beit Hamikdash, the framework of our siddur, and our best friend in times of joy and sorrow: the Sefer Tehillim (Book of Psalms). The Midrash says on the pasuk (verse) in Tehillim 89, “’I found my servant David’ – where? – in Sodom”. There were great sparks that had to be rescued. What a surprise!!

Hashem’s Trump card

This brings us back to current events. Just four years ago, then-President Trump lost his bid for re-election. At the time, it was a big question. A man who, if not the only good thing, pardoned two Yidden (Jews) from unjust imprisonment. And there was much more to his credit. That he should lose in a shameful election process was a difficult pill for many to swallow.

However, it was clear that Hashem had greater plans in store. We need such an individual on the scene when Eretz Yisrael is in grave danger from all sides. Here we are, four tumultuous years later, and we see with our own eyes that the world needs real leadership in the most important office of the free world. With a new (or not so new) sheriff in town, we hope and pray that he should be a good shaliach min Hashamayim (messenger from Heaven) and do what is good for Klal Yisrael.

By Rabbi Gavriel Lamm

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