The eight part in our ongoing series on shemiras halashon by Mrs. Tova Younger. Another concept that serves as a deterrent to speaking lashon hara (prohibited slanderous speech) is some […]
THE RED TEAM AND THE GREEN TEAM This week’s Torah portion describes seven of the Ten Plagues. I would like to focus on the first two. The very first plague […]
The name says it all. 🙂 Ingredients: 3 cups flour 1 1/2 cups sugar 1 stick margarine 1/2 cup oil 1 packet vanilla sugar 4 eggs 3 tsp. baking powder […]
This is the seventh installation of our ongoing series on shemiras halashon by Mrs. Tova Younger. Have a topic in your back pocket all the time and be prepared to […]
Deep fried french fries are delicious, but many of us don’t appreciate the high fat content that all that oil adds. These fries are the perfect solution, and as an […]
In the opening chapter of Parshas Shemos, we read about the beginnings of Jewish slavery in Egypt. One of Pharaoh’s main objectives in enslaving the Jewish people was to end […]
In this week’s Torah portion, we find an interesting statement. As an introduction to his last will and testament, Yaakov (Jacob) tells his children, “Gather and listen, sons of Yaakov, […]
The story unfolded quite like a scene out of a mystery novel, from the crime being caught on camera to the unlikely clue that tipped off the investigators to the […]
BE YOURSELF In this week’s Torah portion, Yaakov (Jacob) blesses all of his children, highlighting through his blessings each son’s particular strengths. The only way that we can achieve our […]
Mazel tov to TorahMates Uri Ostro and Chaim Rayman!