Flashback to a previous Torah Thought with Rabbi Mordechai Horovitz, TorahMates coordinator, on Parshat Kedoshim
In most years, the Torah Portions, Tazrai and Metzora are read together, as they are this week. In a Jewish leap year, they are read separately. We will indicate the […]
Enjoy a short, inspirational thought on Parshat Shemini with Torahmates coordinator Mrs. Sarah Feldman.
A short thought by Rabbi Chaim Mintz to add meaning to the second half of Passover
A great kosher for Passover recipe by kosher.com Ingredients: White Mixture 2 eggs 2 potatoes, cooked and mashed 1 small onion, sautéed in oil Brown Mixture 1/2 pound ground beef or dark turkey 1 egg […]
Whether you’re up to cooking for Pesach or haven’t started cleaning yet, here’s a great recipe kosher for Passover and year round too! Ingredients: 2 tbsp olive oil 1 zucchini, shredded […]
A short, inspirational thought for Parshat Vayikra with TorahMates coordinator Rabbi Mordechai Horowitz
Rabbi Chaim Mintz delivers a short, inspirational message on Purim. Infuse your hamantaschen with inspiration!
A fun twist on traditional hamantaschen from kosher.com Ingredients: 1/2 cup unsalted butter (or margarine), at room temperature 1/2 cup granulated sugar 1/2 cup brown sugar, lightly packed 1 egg 1 tbsp whole or 2% […]
inspiration on Parshas Tetzaveh with Director of TorahMates, Rabbi Chaim Reichman