Parshas Vayikra talks about the karbanos, the sacrifices, that the Jews were commanded to bring in the times of the mishkan and the beis hamikdash. Look into the first pasuk […]
Courtesy of Perfect for children or the young at heart, a unique and engaging way to learn about the story of Purim
This week we read Parshat Vayakhel and next week we read Parshat Pekudei. They are most commonly read together, with the exception of Jewish leap years (as is this year). […]
From Pancakes 1 pound farmer cheese 4 eggs 1 cup flour 1/3 cup sugar 1/2 cup milk Cinnamon Swirl 4 tbsp brown sugar 2 tbsp maple syrup 1/2 tsp cinnamon Cream Cheese Glaze 3 oz whipped cream […]
There was once a wise and just king who had a magnificent garden planted. The garden was simply dazzling, with the most delightful trees, the most fragrant plants, and the […]
The ‘show-bread’ in the Bais HaMikdash, the Holy Temple, stayed warm and fresh from Shabbos to Shabbos. Bread is a physical manifestation of the same energy in the universe that […]
In this week’s Torah Portion, Parshat Ki Tisa, Moshe is instructed by Hashem to collect a half silver shekel from each person to count the Jewish People. The silver was […]
A delicious biscotti recipe from Ingredients 3 eggs 1 cup sugar 3/4 cup oil 1 tsp vanilla extract 1 and 1/2 tsp baking powder 3 cups flour 3/4 cup chocolate chunks 3/4 cup chopped walnuts […]
This week’s Torah portion, Parshat Tetzaveh, goes to great lengths detailing all the aspects of the priestly garments. It seems quite puzzling that the Torah would spend so much time […]
In this week’s Torah Portion, Parshat Tezaveh, Hashem tells Moshe that only pure olive oil can be used to light the “everlasting flame” of the menorah, which Aharon will light […]