Reuven Vershuvsky’s story is one of heroism, courage, faith and resilience in the face of extreme hardship and unrelenting challenges. Hear him describe how he survived behind the Iron Curtain […]
R euven Vershuvsky’s story is one of heroism, courage, faith and resilience in the face of extreme hardship and unrelenting challenges. Hear him describe how he survived behind the Iron […]
Reuven Vershuvsky’s story is one of heroism, courage, faith and resilience in the face of extreme hardship and unrelenting challenges. Hear him describe how he survived behind the Iron Curtain […]
A short, inspirational thought on Parshas Tazria with Rabbi Chaim Reichman, Director of TorahMates
Reuven Vershuvsky’s story is one of heroism, courage, faith and resilience in the face of extreme hardship and unrelenting challenges. Hear him describe how he survived behind the Iron Curtain […]
In this week’s Torah portion, Parshat Shmini, we pick up our story after the seven days of inauguration of Aharon and his sons as they became Kohanim (priests). On the […]
One is commanded to drink on Purim until he doesn’t know the difference between “Cursed is Haman” and “Blessed is Mordechai.” There are many ways of understanding this. This can […]
In this week’s Torah Portion, Parshat Tzav, Hashem instructs Moshe to command Aharon and his sons regarding their jobs as kohanim (priests). They are taught about the korbanot (sacrifices) that […]
Does God Masquerade on Purim? – A Short Holiday Message From Rabbi Mintz
from Hamentaschen 1 Tbsp olive oil 3 pounds (1 and 1/3 kilograms) beef cheek or beef deckle 2 Vidalia onions, sliced 3 C pineapple juice 3/4 C soy sauce salt, to taste pepper, to taste […]