By Rabbi Yitzchok Aryeh Strimber In this week’s Torah reading we are introduced to the “Nazir.” A Nazir is someone who accepts upon him/herself to conduct him/herself with extra holiness […]
From Pink Lemonade Lychee Blueberry Mint Pops 1.Combine lychee juice (I used Ceres), blueberries, and coarsely chopped mint leaves. Pour into popsicle bags. Iced Coffee Pops Cherry Limeade Popsicles […]
This week’s Torah portion, Parshas Naso, is the longest parsha in the Torah. The parsha begins with the completion of the counting of the Levites between the ages of 30 […]
Parshat Behar by Blimi Olen In parshas behar we are warned not to take נשך, interest. The word נשך, interest, has the same numerical value as זה נחש, this is […]
Parshat Behar By Rabbi Yitzchak Aryeh Strimber The beginning of this week’s Torah reading introduces us to the Mitzvah (commandment) of Shmitah. The last year of a seven year cycle […]
In honor of Lag B’omer from Ingredients: 1/2 C oil 1 egg 1 tsp vanilla 4 and 1/2 graham crackers, crushed 3/4 C sugar 1 and 1/3 C flour 1 tsp baking powder 1/4 […]
Parshas Emor by Rabbi Yitchak Aryeh Strimber This week’s Torah reading includes a special Mitzvah (commandment), the Mitzvah of Kiddush Hashem. As the verse says (22:32): “And you shall not […]
Parshas Emor By Blimi Olen In parshas emor, the kohanim are warned not to become tamei, impure, from a dead person, except for their seven closest relatives. A kohein gadol, […]
By Rabbi Yitchok Aryeh Strimber In this week’s Torah reading we are commanded to love our fellow Jew (19:18). The obvious question is, how could we be commanded to love […]
Parshas Acharei Mos By: Rabbi Yitchok Aryeh Strimber A verse in this week’s Torah reading teaches us the level of priority which the Torah gives to our lives. As the […]