By Rabbi Yitzchok Aryeh Strimber The beginning of this week’s Torah reading discusses the laws of the Red Heifer. One who became impure from a deceased person, must be sprinkled […]
By Rabbi Yitzchok Aryeh Strimber A devastating episode transpires in this week’s Torah reading. Korach starts an uprising against Moses, challenging him with the claim that the appointment of Moses’s […]
In this week’s Torah Portion, Parshat Korach, Moshe’s first cousin, Korach, challenges Moshe’s leadership and Aharon’s position as Kohen. He gathers together a group to challenge Moshe and Aharon, including […]
By Rabbi Yitzchok Aryeh Strimber At the end of last week’s Torah reading, an episode transpired in which Miriam spoke disparagingly about her brother Moses, and was subsequently punished with […]
From Ingredients Crumbs Glaze Yields 22–24 muffins Instructions Lemonade Glaze
The emotion that best describes this week’s Torah portion is disappointment. Deep disappointment. The Jewish people were riding high off the Exodus, the splitting of the sea and the receiving […]
Delicious and kid-friendly. Easy to make. We used whole grain pretzels and the results were just as good, only healthier! From Ingredients Instructions
In this week’s parshah, Hashem tells Moshe to gather 70 zikainim, 70 elders, to help him lead the Jews. Why 70? There is a deeper significance to this number. How […]
A short Torah Thought on Parshat Beha’alotcha with TorahMates coordinator Rabbi Rabbi Mordechai Beer