Learn about what we’re truly missing with the loss of the Holy Temple. Be inspired by Rabbi Refael Fried of Oorah’s Kiruv department and Rabbi Avi Schnall. Special message at […]
Why do we cry for something that happened nearly 2,000 years ago? And what can each one of us do about it? View non-Youtube version here
Ingredients 4 salmon fillets 2 Tbsp mayo 2 Tbsp grainy Dijon mustard 2 Tbsp syrup handful of chopped fresh mint zest of 1–2 lemons Instructions
A concept that we as Jews are well acquainted with and a word we hear often is golus (or galut, depending on where you’re from), exile. Particularly at this time […]
A Gift of Peace At the end of last week’s Torah reading, Pinchas stood up courageously for the name of God, and attacked one of the prominent figures of the […]
Enjoy a thought on the Torah portion of this week, Parshat Pinchas, featuring TorahMates coordinator Rabbi Mordechai Horovitz.
The stage was set. The man of G-d traveled along the lonely mountain road on the way to his destination. He was about to achieve immortality – he would go […]
This week’s Torah portion, Parshat Balak, takes place just after the Jewish People conquered Emor and Bashan. The king of Moav, Balak, gets nervous that his nation will be conquered […]