Oorah’s Thursday Thought series starts the new Torah cycle with a thought-provoking look at the Torah portion of this week, Parshas Bereishis, featuring Oorah’s TorahMates Coordinator Rabbi Mordechai Beer. Short […]
Enhancing your High Holiday season and Sukkos (Sukkot) with words of inspiration from Rabbi Chaim Mintz
Do it right! Guidelines about putting together your lulav and a short inspirational message from Rabbi Chaim Mintz
This hearty ‘meal-in-a-bowl’ soup will keep you warm during those cold Sukkos nights! Main ingredients 1 extra-large onion, diced 8 cups Chicken Broth 1/2 cup barley 3 cloves garlic, minced or 3 cubes Frozen Garlic […]
The holiday of Sukkot is one of the most joyous ones on the calendar, in fact Zman Simchateinu (the time of our joy) is one of its names! What better […]
Enhance your High Holiday season with words of inspiration from Rabbi Chaim Mintz
Try your hand at this classic Erev Yom-Kippur dish Cabbage 1 cup water 4 cups shredded white cabbage Meatballs 2 pounds ground beef 1 large egg 1/2 cup tomato sauce 1/4 cup matzo meal […]
Aside from the pretty and delicious effect of the fruity centers, these moist, honey-flavored muffins lend themselves perfectly to the upcoming Yomim Tovim! Muffins 1 and 3/4 cups flour (I used […]