This week’s parsha holds the famous verse, “Torah tziva lanu Moshe, morasha kehilas Yaakov”. R’ Yaakov Kamenetsky wonders: Why aren’t we referred to as Yisroel in this passuk? Yisroel is […]
In Parshas Haazinu, it is written, “G-d is trustworthy.” Rav Chaim Shmuelevitz wonders why this is appropriate praise for G-d. Would we expect any different? Even humans are expected to […]
It was after Rosh Hashana and a friend of mine from Oorah asked me, “So any suggestions? Regarding teshuvah, I mean.” Let’s talk about teshuvah (repentance, lit. return) and what […]
Would you like to hear a riddle? Did your interest just perk up when you read that question? There’s something about riddles that catch our attention. There must be something […]
Hold on to the holiday’s inspiration; don’t let Satan have his way. Oorah’s founder, Rabbi Chaim Mintz delivers a short Yom Kippur message for Oorah’s families. You can watch Rabbi […]
The steps to becoming a better Jew. Oorah’s founder, Rabbi Chaim Mintz delivers a short (3 minute) Yom-Kippur message for Oorah’s families. You can watch Rabbi Mintz’s weekly class given […]
A Short 3-minute message from Oorah’s founder and spiritual leader, Rabbi Chaim Mintz: G-d’s unending love for us, and our trust in Him.
A short holiday message from Rabbi Chaim Mintz: What does annulment of our vows have to do with the Day of Atonement? You can watch Rabbi Mintz’s weekly class given […]
Watch the lyric video of TheZone favorite ‘The Sound of the Shofar’! This song blends the emotions of this season together with trademark Oorah inspiration, bringing you a fresh sound […]
The joyous connection that Shabbos brings- week after week. This week’s Torah reading details the creation of the universe. God created the world in six days and rested on the […]