In this week’s Torah reading, Parshas Ki teitzei, the Torah prohibits a Moabite and an Ammonite to marry into the Jewish people. The reason the Torah gives for this is […]
The interesting thing about Orthodox Judaism is that it is very, very old, and at the same time, relatively new. Now of course, that statement is going to need some […]
This week’s Torah reading, Parshas Shoftim, discusses the laws of going to war. Interestingly, one of the instructions the Torah gives is (20:1), “When you shall advance to war against […]
This week’s Torah reading, Parshas Re’eh, begins with the following verses: “Behold I gave before you today a blessing and a curse. The blessing, if you listen to the commandments […]
In this week’s Torah reading, Parshas Eikev (8:10), we have the Mitzvah (commandment) of Birchas Hamazon – saying grace after a meal (of bread). The Sefer Hachinuch (Mitzvah 430) says […]
Wow. It happened. We thought the Vietnam War was a historical event, a one-time disaster that would never occur anymore. After all, America learned its lesson, had it not? But […]
Are our prayers really going unanswered? Find out now in this week’s live session of Ask the Rabbi live! Got a question of your own? Submit it to and […]
In this week’s Torah readings, Parshas Matot and Masei, the Torah says (35:33), “And you shall not exercise flattery in the land.” The flattery referred to here is flattery in […]
This recipe, perfect for the Nine Days before Tisha B’Av when we don’t eat meat, comes from Oorah’s talented creative marketer, Mrs. Barker. Ingredients: 5 large Spanish onions, halved and […]