In the beginning of this week’s Torah reading, the Torah lists all the materials that were necessary to be donated for the construction of the Mishkan (Tabernacle). All the way […]
The Torah says that a person is not permitted to dress in the clothing of the opposite gender, but I’ve seen people do this when they dress up in Purim […]
Why do Jews drink on Purim? Where does this custom originate? Is everyone obligated to drink? Does the mitzvah have to be fulfilled with wine? The Talmud (Megillah 7b) states […]
Looking for a lasagna recipe that tastes like the real deal? This one, from Mrs. Varda Epstein of Oorah’s Israel contingent, would have your Italian Bubby kvelling with pride. The […]
Parshas Mishpatim instructs us not to cause pain to a widow or orphan and warns us about severe consequences that will follow if one does. As the Rambam says, (Laws […]
Parshas Beshalach describes the miraculous nourishment the Jews were sustained with during the forty years they wandered in the desert until they reached the Promised Land. They had the manna […]
The truth is that anyone can learn Torah, no matter who they are, or where they’re from. Everyone has to start somewhere, and everyone has to take their own path. […]
Packed with humor, intrigue, and original footage in the heart of Alaska, Yaakov Cruz tells all in a documentary detailing his cross-country and spiritual journey in search of authentic Judaism. […]
In this week’s Torah reading, Parshat Va’eira, Moses is sent by God to inflict plagues upon the Egyptians for refusing to let His people go. Time and time again, Moses […]
A student at Beer Miriam seminary in Jerusalem talks about what brought her to study Torah and learn about Judaism in Israel. (Hint: Oorah had something to do with it.)