In Parashas Korach, when the Jews complained in the Wilderness, the Torah tells us that an epidemic broke out, and Moshe directed Aharon to offer the special Incense offering (ketores) […]
Parshas Pekudei concludes the description of the building of the Mishkan (Tabernacle) and gives a summary of all the materials used in the project. The Seforno notes that the verse […]
In addition to the usual Torah reading, this week we read Parshas Shkalim, which discusses the Mitzvah (commandment) of Machtzis Hashekel. This Mitzvah was a unique, annual fundraising campaign, which […]
Purim 101 – An Oorah Holiday Guide Oorah’s “10 Minute” guides are designed to help you “find your way around” the Yomim Tovim that mark the Jewish year. Our heritage […]
Purim Jokes and Riddles Why is the Shabbos before Purim called Shabbos Zachor?BECAUSE THAT IS THE LAST THING YOU WILL REMEMBER FOR A LONG TIME! What was Queen Esther’s royal […]
Parshas Ki Sisa contains one of the most difficult episodes in our nation’s history. After we received the Torah at Mount Sinai, Moses ascended to the peak of the mountain […]
In the Torah, we are instructed to build a Temple to God. In the desert, there was a temporary portable Temple called a tabernacle, which was also used for several […]
Get inspiration for Parshat Terumah with TorahMates Coordinator Rabbi Chaim Leib Marmorstein, on this week’s Thursday Thought.
Parshas Terumah tells us about the fundraising campaign which took place for building the Mishkan (Tabernacle.) The Torah says (25:2), “And they shall take for Me contributions, from anyone whose […]