As Jacob neared his death, Parshas Vayechi describes an interesting exchange that took place. Joseph came to his father with his two sons for them to be blessed. Joseph placed […]
According to some commentators, the curse of Chava(Eve) changed the woman’s place. As part of her punishment for her role in eating from the Tree of Knowledge, God told the […]
The Talmud devotes an entire tractate to discuss Jewish marriage and marital rights in great detail[i]. Obviously it is beyond the scope of this article to cover the topic comprehensively. […]
Can a woman be a rabbi? This is a complex and multi-faceted question, in part because the role of rabbi contains many different elements and responsibilities, and not every rabbi […]
Do women have a role in the Hebrew bible and Talmud? The answer to this is a definite yes! As a few brief examples, the Talmud will quote women on […]
Jewish women have unquestionably had a tremendous impact on history. The sages teach us that the Jewish people were redeemed from slavery in Egypt only in the merit of righteous […]
No. In fact, among men too, there are differences. Certain commandments apply exclusively to Kohanim (priests), other to Levi’im (Levites), and still others to Yisraelim (other Jews, who fit neither […]
By Rabbi Pinchos Fried Table of Contents What is the role of women in Judaism? Of late, this has become a hot-button issue, something of a loaded topic. With passionate […]
Jewish Music Part 3 Part 1: What is Jewish Song? Part 2: Speaking of Choirs… Part 4: Our Very Own Though children have a special charm, they are far from […]
Our Sages point out that Leah, our matriarch, was destined to marry Eisav who would become the father of Edom. Through the power of prayer, however, Leah changed her destiny […]