In a verse said daily during the Shacharis services, we praise Hashem as “the One who heals the broken-hearted, and bandages their sorrows”. The question may be asked: Isn’t the […]
A verse in Mishlei (2:13) talks about those who “forsake the paths of the just to go upon the roads of darkness”. We can learn an important principle from this. […]
Maybe your Rabbi stopped giving his weekly class ever since The Covid Thing happened, maybe you’re on the hunt for a new challenge, or maybe you just think it would […]
One of the Ten Commandments, mentioned in Parshas Yisro (Yitro), is the commandment to keep Sabbath. The verses say (20:9-10), “Six days you shall labor and complete all your work. […]
How can I know what specific direction to take in life so I can best serve Hashem (God)? Should I just make sure to do all mitzvot (Torah commandments) equally, […]
Have you ever wondered why we celebrate Tu B’Shvat, the new year for trees, in the winter? Tu B’Shvat is all about celebrating the rebirth of the trees bursting with […]
Tu Bishvat: A time to ponder Tu Bishvat is a time to ponder the great kindness of the fruit trees that Hashem bestows upon us. However, we find a reference […]
Not into raisins and bokser? Here’s an easy and elegant way to take your Tu B’Shevat menu from meh to magnificent. Recipe by Esther Ottensosser from Ingredients: Roll fruit discs […]
Tu B’shvat, as the day G-d judges the trees, is the perfect time to celebrate the plentiful fruits and vegetables with which we are blessed. Dried fruit is an especially popular […]
In Parshat Beshalach, the Jewish people experience the splitting and subsequent crossing of the Sea of Reeds. After so many miracles— after the 10 plagues, after slaughtering Egypt’s idol, the […]