To a novice, the notion of baking challah seems very daunting. But there’s nothing like warm, homemade challah to start your Shabbat, and it turns out that once you get […]
As I write this, I am breathing a sigh of relief – that I can breathe deeply. Since people forget things quickly, I will recount this for posterity. In the […]
Towards the end of this week’s Torah reading, Parshas Beha’aloscha, a story transpired in which Miriam slandered her brother Moses in conversation with her brother Aaron, and accused Moses of […]
A Lesson To Be Learned Well-known is the premise of the Baal Shem Tov and others, that when we see things, there’s a reason for it. There’s some message to […]
Ever wonder where the power to bless comes from? Oorah’s Thursday Thought series continues with a thought-provoking look at the Torah portion of this week, Parshas Naso, featuring TorahMates coordinator […]
This week’s Torah reading discusses the laws of Sotah. If a man suspects his wife of being disloyal to him, he may give her a warning to refrain from secluding […]
Shavuos is not only a day on which we celebrate the fact that we got the Torah on this day thousands of years ago. Our Sages tell us (Yalkut Shimoni, […]
The chag of Shavuot is approaching. What is the story of Shavuot, though? Our tradition tells us that God Himself appeared to the entire Jewish nation – men, women and children; […]
Yup, here we are again. Shavuot, the time at which it all began. When Jews became Jews. When we got the Torah. Why is the Torah Important? So, what is […]
This week’s Torah reading, Parshat Bamidbar, records a calculation of the number of men from each of the tribes of the Jews in the desert. The Ramban (3:14) points out […]