Honey cake is a tried and true Rosh Hashana tradition. But how many of us actually enjoy our cake? Here’s a recipe from Mrs. Horowitz, an Oorah employee who actually […]
There are many symbolic foods traditionally eaten at the Rosh Hashana meal. (This article does a good job explaining the background for this.) Probably the most well known, of course, […]
The Jewish new year begins on a solemn note with the Days of Awe, as the High Holy Days are called. Still, we inject a little sweetness into our Rosh […]
In this week’s Torah portion, Moshe Rabbeinu (Moses) urges the Jewish People to abandon their worship of avodah zara, idols. In that spirit, we present a series of jokes poking […]
What would you have said to the motorcyclist if it had been your cup he’d saved?
Who doesn’t love chocolate chip cookies? Dunked in a cup of milk, fresh out of the oven or anytime, these cookies just hit that sweet spot. From Oorah rep and […]
In this week’s Torah portion, Moses tells the Jewish people that if they observe the commandments properly, G-d will destroy all of their enemies. In that spirit… Who had the […]
This week’s recipe comes from Oorah TorahMates coordinator Mrs. Tzippy Sommers. For the uninitiated, cholent is a stew-like dish customarily served at the Shabbos day meal, put up to cook […]