The second tip in our series on shmiras halashon by Mrs. Tova Younger. Before relating something negative, how about using the incident as a mirror; ask yourself, “Why did Hashem […]
Savory and filling! Ingredients: 8-10 potatoes4 onions, sliced or chopped3/4 cup oil1-2 shredded zucchini4 eggs2 1/2 cups flour1 Tbsp. salt1 tsp. pepper Boil and mash the potatoes; let cool a […]
In this week’s Torah portion, Esav and his henchmen try to kill Yaakov. This struggle is symbolic of the many nations that have tried to wipe out the Jewish people. […]
What’s in a name? In the Torah, quite a bit. Throughout the Torah, names of our ancestors are not only monikers but also literary insights into the personality, nature, and […]
A future Jewish comedian? Whaddya say? (For more about the prohibition of handling money on Shabbos, read this section of Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan’s book, Sabbath: Day of Eternity. For a […]
We ran and laughed like soft mad children, drunk with the feelings, from that place in the mind, that place where you feel again the safe cotton willowy breaths of […]
First tip in our new series by Tova Younger on shmiras halashon: Start off by praying. At the end of every Shemoneh Esrei prayer (the silent prayer with 19 blessings […]
This week’s Torah portion begins with the words “vayeitzei Yaakov,” which means, “Jacob went out.” This is most appropriate because in this week’s parsha, Yaakov will get married- and how […]