Adapted from an address heard from Rabbi Avigdor Miller, OB”M Parshas Noach begins with G-d telling Noah that He will bring a mabul, flood, because of the evil ways of […]
Chicken soup is a classic that doesn’t need much introduction. Enjoy on Friday night as is or with soup accompaniments like matzah balls, lukshen (noodles) or croutons. Ingredients: 1-2 chickens […]
It was after Rosh Hashana and a friend of mine from Oorah asked me, “So any suggestions? Regarding teshuvah, I mean.” Let’s talk about teshuvah (repentance, lit. return) and what […]
On Simchas Torah (in the Diaspora, the second day of Shmini Atzeres, the holiday that begins immediately after Sukkos), we celebrate completing a full year’s cycle of reading of the […]
Who doesn’t associate Rosh Hashana with apples? This super easy recipe from Mrs. Raizelle Serebrowski, assistant director of the Oorah Rebbetzins program, gives you a new way to add them […]
Honey cake is a tried and true Rosh Hashana tradition. But how many of us actually enjoy our cake? Here’s a recipe from Mrs. Horowitz, an Oorah employee who actually […]
There are many symbolic foods traditionally eaten at the Rosh Hashana meal. (This article does a good job explaining the background for this.) Probably the most well known, of course, […]
The Jewish new year begins on a solemn note with the Days of Awe, as the High Holy Days are called. Still, we inject a little sweetness into our Rosh […]