Opportunities, Not Rights In this week’s Torah reading, we have a mitzvah (commandment) to refrain from muzzling an ox while it is threshing. Why does one owe his ox to […]
Weekly Torah Portion
Insight and themes on the weekly Torah portion read aloud in synagogue.
At the end of this week’s Torah reading, the Torah discusses the subject of Eglah Arufah. If a corpse of a person is found on the road and it is […]
The verse in this week’s Torah reading (13:5) instructs us to follow God’s lead. What does it mean to follow God’s lead? The Sifri says that this refers to following […]
This week’s Torah reading mentions an incredible proclamation, as the verses say (10:14-15), “God owns the heavens and the highest of the heavens, the land and all it contains. Only […]
In this week’s Torah reading, Moses rebuked the Jews in the desert for crying over entering the Land of Israel. As they neared the Promised Land after leaving Egypt, they […]
In this week’s Torah reading, the Jews went to war against the people of Midian, as God commanded Moses that they should do. When the men returned from the war, […]
In the beginning of this week’s Torah reading, Balak sent messengers to Bilam to request that he curse the Jewish Nation. Bilam told them that he cannot go without permission […]
The Most Powerful Force The Mesilat Yesharim (chapter 11) tells us that the most powerful force which drives a human is the desire for honor and respect. If not for […]
In the week’s Torah reading, Parshas Shelach, Moshe (Moses) sent 12 spies to scout out the Land of Canaan (which would become the Land of Israel after the Jews conquered […]
Towards the end of this week’s Torah reading, Parshas Beha’aloscha, a story transpired in which Miriam slandered her brother Moses in conversation with her brother Aaron, and accused Moses of […]