Magic Tricks – A Display of Dexterity As a kid, I loved magic. I wanted to be a magician because it was so cool to be able to do things […]
Weekly Torah Portion
Insight and themes on the weekly Torah portion read aloud in synagogue.
A Reason For the Same Old It’s interesting when you take note of things that are most often a certain way and you realize that there’s a reason for it. […]
Anti-Semitism – The Alternative Method of Separation The Beit HaLevi cites a fascinating Midrash (Shemot Rabbah 1:8) about the distain the Egyptians developed towards the Jews in Egypt, as described […]
The first few parshiyot (Torah portions) in Sefer Shemot (The Book of Shemot) deal with the Galut Mitzrayim (Egyptian Exile) and the eventual Redemption. In fact, the Ramban calls this […]
God Had Good Intentions In this week’s Torah reading, Parshat Vayechi, after Yaakov (Jacob)’s passing, his sons approached their brother, Yosef (Joseph). They were concerned that now, as their father […]
To Repent For Their Misdeeds In this week’s Torah portion, Parshat Vayigash, we find that Yosef (Joseph), who was sold by his brothers as a slave, eventually became the ruler […]
Yosef – A Wise Interpreter This week’s Torah reading begins with Pharaoh’s dreams. Pharaoh dreamed one dream in which he saw seven fat and healthy cows rise from the Nile, […]
Ask the Rabbi with Rabbi Chaim Mintz The Book of Bereishit discusses at great length the many trials and challenges our forefathers Avraham (Abraham) and Yaakov (Jacob) faced. Yet, when […]
Even the Minor is Significant in Judaism Nothing in Judaism is trivial, no matter how apparently minor. A Torah Jew believes that every element of the Torah is laden with […]
Unnecessary Precautions In this week’s Torah reading, Yaakov (Jacob) prepared to meet his brother Eisav (Esau). Yaakov was returning to his homeland, where Eisav lived, after being away for many […]