He Should Have Prayed The verse in this week’s Torah reading, Parshat Masei (Bamidbar 35:25), says that one who has killed a person unintentionally must flee to a designated city, […]
Weekly Torah Portion
Insight and themes on the weekly Torah portion read aloud in synagogue.
The Korban Tamid – Every Single Day This week’s Torah reading commands us to bring the Korban Tamid, a set of sheep brought as daily sacrifices, one in the morning […]
Ask the Rabbi with Rabbi Chaim Mintz Does the “evil eye” exist? If it does, what is it, and what can we do to protect ourselves from it? There are […]
Strange Donkey In this week’s Torah reading, Bilam the prophet decided to curse the Jews, despite God expressing disapproval of him doing so. On the way, God sent an angel […]
Should Bilaam Go? In this week’s Torah reading, King Balak sent messengers to summon Bilaam the prophet to curse the Jews, who were camping out in the desert nearby. When […]
Making a “Cheshbon Hanefesh” The verse in this week’s Torah reading (Bamidbar 21:27) says in reference to a conquest which took place, “The prophets said, come to [the land of] […]
There Shall Not Be Like Korach The verse in this week’s Torah reading says (17:5), “And there shall not be like Korach and his following.” This is referring to the […]
The Ma’apilim In this week’s Torah reading, the Jews sent spies to the land of Israel. The spies returned with a negative report of the land, and instead of trusting […]
Nothing Better for the Body than Silence In the end of this week’s Torah reading, Miriam, the sister of Moshe (Moses), was punished with tzara’at (a unique skin disease) for […]
Chametz on Shavuot The Chatam Sofer says (Parshat Emor, page 61) that matzah (non-leavened bread) represents our spiritual aspect, while chametz (leavened goods) represents our physical aspect. On Passover, the […]