Adapted from an address heard from Rabbi Avigdor Miller, OB”M Parshas Noach begins with G-d telling Noah that He will bring a mabul, flood, because of the evil ways of […]
Weekly Torah Portion
Insight and themes on the weekly Torah portion read aloud in synagogue.
On Simchas Torah (in the Diaspora, the second day of Shmini Atzeres, the holiday that begins immediately after Sukkos), we celebrate completing a full year’s cycle of reading of the […]
In this week’s Torah portion, Moshe Rabbeinu (Moses) urges the Jewish People to abandon their worship of avodah zara, idols. In that spirit, we present a series of jokes poking […]
In this week’s Torah portion, Moses tells the Jewish people that if they observe the commandments properly, G-d will destroy all of their enemies. In that spirit… Who had the […]
Have you ever felt that there really is, maybe, a dark side? Like, that in life there’s something that pulls you- experiences/things/people that seem to promise excitement, tantalization, like “wow, […]
What type of coffee did the Manna taste like? TASTER’S CHOICE! The Jewish Joke of the Week series thanks Rabbi Yaakov Moskowitz for sharing his original humor.
July 20th marks the 44th anniversary of man’s first step on the moon. Imagine if you had been part of Neil Armstrong’s crew, heard him say the famous words, “One […]
In Parshas Balak we encounter the enigmatic case of the wicked prophet Balaam. The very idea of a wicked prophet raises obvious questions. Perhaps the most basic question is how […]