In this week’s Torah portion, Esav and his henchmen try to kill Yaakov. This struggle is symbolic of the many nations that have tried to wipe out the Jewish people. […]
Weekly Torah Portion
Insight and themes on the weekly Torah portion read aloud in synagogue.
What’s in a name? In the Torah, quite a bit. Throughout the Torah, names of our ancestors are not only monikers but also literary insights into the personality, nature, and […]
This week’s Torah portion begins with the words “vayeitzei Yaakov,” which means, “Jacob went out.” This is most appropriate because in this week’s parsha, Yaakov will get married- and how […]
In this week’s Torah portion, we are introduced to the father of all crooks, Lavan, the brother of Rivka (Rebecca), the wife of Yitzchak (Isaac). In the upcoming Torah portions, […]
In this week’s parsha, we are introduced to Yishmael, whose descendants are today’s Arabs. A number of years ago, I was approached by a group of Muslim terrorists. They told […]
In this week’s Torah portion, we are told about Avraham Avinu’s prayer for the city of Sodom. Besides for this prayer, Avraham Avinu is known for a different prayer: the […]
In this week’s parsha, Vayeira, we find Avraham Avinu sitting by the entrance of his tent on a hot day. This was no ordinary day, mind you. This was just […]
The story is told about a man in the American West, in the early days of the California Gold Rush. Like thousands of others, he left his old life behind […]
Adapted from an address heard from Rabbi Avigdor Miller, OB”M Parshas Noach begins with G-d telling Noah that He will bring a mabul, flood, because of the evil ways of […]
On Simchas Torah (in the Diaspora, the second day of Shmini Atzeres, the holiday that begins immediately after Sukkos), we celebrate completing a full year’s cycle of reading of the […]