THE CLOTHING MAKES THE MAN In this week’s Torah portion, the Torah discusses the special clothing that is worn by the kohanim, the descendants of Aaron. In the times of […]
Weekly Torah Portion
Insight and themes on the weekly Torah portion read aloud in synagogue.
BUBBY’S BEANS This week’s Torah portion discusses the holy day of Shabbos. On Shabbos, we eat many traditional Jewish foods. My personal favorite is cholent. Cholent is an incredible mix […]
THE GOLDEN YEARS OF THE JEWISH PEOPLE This week’s Torah portion tells the story of the sin of the Golden Calf, which the Jewish people made for themselves to worship. […]
FROM OLIVE TO TOUGH (Some familiarity with the letters of the Hebrew alphabet is necessary to get this post. Here’s a cheat sheet for your reference.) This week’s Torah portion […]
In this week’s Torah portion, Parshas Terumah, we discuss the intricate details involved in the building of the Mishkan, the portable tabernacle used in the desert by the Jews. Why […]
THE WANDERING JEW In the past two weeks’ Torah portions, we read about the Jews accepting the Torah. In this week’s Torah portion, the Jews have left Mt. Sinai and […]
Rabbi Shalom Schwadron, the unforgettable maggid (inspirational speaker) of Jerusalem, told the following story. There was once a Chassidic rabbi walking with some of his disciples during the winter. As […]
ARE YOU GOLDBERG? In this week’s Torah portion, we come across a very special mitzvah, to track down and kill all practitioners of witchcraft. Let’s imagine for a moment what […]
KOSHER KOLOR WAR! The highlight of this week’s Torah portion is the giving of the Torah. As soon as the Jewish people received the Torah, they rushed to put the […]
What does it mean to be a Jew? When I describe myself as a Jew, what does that really mean? It is readily apparent that none of the normal categories […]