an inspirational thought from Rabbi Shimon Beer of TorahMates
Weekly Torah Portion
Insight and themes on the weekly Torah portion read aloud in synagogue.
It’s the new Oscars Award. Would YOU win it? with Rabbi Louie Friedman of TorahMates
Oorah’s TorahMates coordinator Rabbi Mordechai Beer kicks off a brand new series featuring a short, inspirational thought on the parsha of the week.
When discussing the building of the Mishkan (the Tabernacle), Moshe Rabbeinu’s instructions seem out of order. Moshe first told Betzalel about constructing the utensils and only then the construction of […]
Understanding the Scope of Kindness Among Jews This week, Parshas Shemos, we discuss the beginnings of the terrible trials and tribulations the Israelites faced being slaves in Egypt. One interesting […]
Parshas Vayigash – Preparing For The Long Haul The Torah describes the reunification of Yaakov with his long-lost son, Yosef. It was a bittersweet episode, as Yaakov and his family […]
Reuven heard it, and saved Yosef from their hands. He said ‘Shed no blood; cast him into this pit that is in the wilderness, but lay no hand upon him’—so […]
A few of the first portions in Bereshis describe for us the life of one of the greatest people who ever lived, our great forefather; Avraham. I would like to […]
It was the third day following Avraham’s circumcision. Most people would be resting in bed recuperating. Not so Avraham. He sits outside his tent anxiously anticipating that a passerby may […]
Our first patriarch Avraham was a man who didn’t have an easy life. On the contrary it appears as though everything that can go wrong did go wrong. He was […]