In most years, the Torah Portions, Behar and Bechukotai are read together, as they are this week. In a Jewish leap year, they are read separately. We will indicate the separation of […]
Weekly Torah Portion
Insight and themes on the weekly Torah portion read aloud in synagogue.
In this week’s Torah portion, Parshas Emor (lit. speak), Hashem instructs Moshe to teach the kohanim (priests) the special laws that pertain to them. We learn that a kohen must […]
Flashback to a previous Torah Thought with Rabbi Mordechai Horovitz, TorahMates coordinator, on Parshat Kedoshim
In most years, the Torah Portions, Tazrai and Metzora are read together, as they are this week. In a Jewish leap year, they are read separately. We will indicate the […]
Enjoy a short, inspirational thought on Parshat Shemini with Torahmates coordinator Mrs. Sarah Feldman.
A short, inspirational thought for Parshat Vayikra with TorahMates coordinator Rabbi Mordechai Horowitz
inspiration on Parshas Tetzaveh with Director of TorahMates, Rabbi Chaim Reichman
short inspiration for Parshas Bo with TorahMates coordinator Rabbi Chaim Marmorstein
Rosh Hashana is known for its symbolic foods. From round challot to apples and honey, much of the food we eat on Rosh Hashana is meaningful. But did you know […]
Mrs. Sarah Feldman, Torahmates coordinator, delivers a short, inspirational thought on this week’s parshah, Parshas Shelach