Parshas Acharei Mos By: Rabbi Yitchok Aryeh Strimber A verse in this week’s Torah reading teaches us the level of priority which the Torah gives to our lives. As the […]
Weekly Torah Portion
Insight and themes on the weekly Torah portion read aloud in synagogue.
In most years, the Torah Portions, Acharei Mot and Kedoshim are read together, as they are this week. In a Jewish leap year, they are ready separately. We will indicate the […]
By: Rabbi Yitzchok Aryeh Strimber The beginning of this week’s Torah reading discusses the procedure of purifying one who was contaminated by Tzaras (a kind of skin disease that causes […]
The primary topic in this week’s Torah reading is the laws of Tzara’as, a unique skin affliction. One who contracted this illness with qualifying symptoms, must follow certain laws of […]
A short, inspirational thought on Parshas Metzorah from TorahMates coordinator Mrs. Sarah Feldman.
Perhaps even before we open our eyes in the morning, still in bed, we declare quietly to ourselves what will be the texture of our consciousness for the day: “Modeh […]
A short, inspirational thought on Parshas Tazria with Rabbi Chaim Reichman, Director of TorahMates
In this week’s Torah portion, Parshat Shmini, we pick up our story after the seven days of inauguration of Aharon and his sons as they became Kohanim (priests). On the […]
In this week’s Torah Portion, Parshat Tzav, Hashem instructs Moshe to command Aharon and his sons regarding their jobs as kohanim (priests). They are taught about the korbanot (sacrifices) that […]
Parshas Vayikra talks about the karbanos, the sacrifices, that the Jews were commanded to bring in the times of the mishkan and the beis hamikdash. Look into the first pasuk […]