The emotion that best describes this week’s Torah portion is disappointment. Deep disappointment. The Jewish people were riding high off the Exodus, the splitting of the sea and the receiving […]
Weekly Torah Portion
Insight and themes on the weekly Torah portion read aloud in synagogue.
In this week’s parshah, Hashem tells Moshe to gather 70 zikainim, 70 elders, to help him lead the Jews. Why 70? There is a deeper significance to this number. How […]
A short Torah Thought on Parshat Beha’alotcha with TorahMates coordinator Rabbi Rabbi Mordechai Beer
By Rabbi Yitzchok Aryeh Strimber In this week’s Torah reading we are introduced to the “Nazir.” A Nazir is someone who accepts upon him/herself to conduct him/herself with extra holiness […]
This week’s Torah portion, Parshas Naso, is the longest parsha in the Torah. The parsha begins with the completion of the counting of the Levites between the ages of 30 […]
Parshat Behar by Blimi Olen In parshas behar we are warned not to take נשך, interest. The word נשך, interest, has the same numerical value as זה נחש, this is […]
Parshat Behar By Rabbi Yitzchak Aryeh Strimber The beginning of this week’s Torah reading introduces us to the Mitzvah (commandment) of Shmitah. The last year of a seven year cycle […]
Parshas Emor by Rabbi Yitchak Aryeh Strimber This week’s Torah reading includes a special Mitzvah (commandment), the Mitzvah of Kiddush Hashem. As the verse says (22:32): “And you shall not […]
Parshas Emor By Blimi Olen In parshas emor, the kohanim are warned not to become tamei, impure, from a dead person, except for their seven closest relatives. A kohein gadol, […]
By Rabbi Yitchok Aryeh Strimber In this week’s Torah reading we are commanded to love our fellow Jew (19:18). The obvious question is, how could we be commanded to love […]