Making a Home for Hashem This week’s Torah reading revolves around the building of the Mishkan (Tabernacle). God commanded the Jewish Nation (25:8), “And they shall make a sanctuary for […]
Weekly Torah Portion
Insight and themes on the weekly Torah portion read aloud in synagogue.
Let’s Be Real This week’s Torah reading begins to tell us about the journey of the Jews through the desert on their way to the Land of Israel. They reached […]
Delighting in the Ordinary This week’s Torah reading describes the exciting moment of when the Jews were finally freed from Egypt. We can only imagine the great excitement which filled […]
What does it mean that Jacob compared some of his sons to animals? In this week’s Torah reading Jacob calls all his sons to his bedside to bless them before […]
Knowing your weaknesses is your greatest strength In this week’s Torah reading, Joseph was sold into slavery by his brothers and ended up in Egypt, in the house of Potifar. […]
The Butler and the Baker In this week’s Torah portion, we have the story of Pharaoh’s two servants that are thrown into jail. Before we discuss who they were and […]
How important is the dignity of others? This week’s Torah reading tells us about how Jacob went to Charan, the birthplace of his mother, and stayed with his uncle, Lavan. […]
By: Rabbi Yitzchok Aryeh Strimber In this week’s Torah reading we have the story of the blessings. Isaac asks his son Esau to hunt some game and prepare him a […]
Why are we kind? In this week’s Torah reading, Abraham sends his loyal servant, Eliezer, to his birthplace, where his extended family resides, to find a suitable bride for his […]
Parsha Thought brought to you by TorahMates Coordinator Rabbi Shimon Beer