By: Rabbi Yitzchok Aryeh Strimber In this week’s Torah reading we have the story of the blessings. Isaac asks his son Esau to hunt some game and prepare him a […]
Weekly Torah Portion
Insight and themes on the weekly Torah portion read aloud in synagogue.
Why are we kind? In this week’s Torah reading, Abraham sends his loyal servant, Eliezer, to his birthplace, where his extended family resides, to find a suitable bride for his […]
Parsha Thought brought to you by TorahMates Coordinator Rabbi Shimon Beer
This week’s Torah portion, Parshas Vayeira, picks up our story with Avraham three days after his bris milah, circumcision. In the heat of the day, Avraham is recovering in his […]
Changing how we perceive challenges This week’s Torah reading focuses on our Patriarch Abraham, who was faced with many hardships on his way to become one of the greatest people […]
Are we spiritually affected by the people around us? One of the biggest catastrophes the world ever experienced is recorded in this week’s Torah reading. The sins of the inhabitants […]
The late Rebbetzin Rishel Kotler, wife of the great Rosh Yeshiva of world-renowned yeshiva Beth Medrash Govoha in Lakewood, New Jersey, Rabbi Shneur Kotler, used to tell over a simple […]
Oorah’s Thursday Thought series starts the new Torah cycle with a thought-provoking look at the Torah portion of this week, Parshas Bereishis, featuring Oorah’s TorahMates Coordinator Rabbi Mordechai Beer. Short […]
The holiday of Sukkot is one of the most joyous ones on the calendar, in fact Zman Simchateinu (the time of our joy) is one of its names! What better […]
It’s up to you. This week’s Torah reading describes at length the terrible suffering which will befall upon the Jewish nation should they not conduct themselves appropriately. God warns His […]