At the end of this week’s Torah portion, Shmini, the Torah lists the various types of animals which are kosher, and those which are not kosher. Amongst the forbidden foods […]
Weekly Torah Portion
Insight and themes on the weekly Torah portion read aloud in synagogue.
This week’s Torah reading summarizes the contributions and the labor that went into building the Mishkan (Tabernacle) and providing the necessary items for its various functions. Towards the bottom of […]
In addition to the regular Torah reading this week, we read Parshat Parah, which is about the Parah Adumah (the Red Heifer). If one was rendered impure as a result […]
This week, in addition to the regular Torah reading, we read ParshasShkalim. At the time when the Holy Temple was actively functioning, around this time of year, an announcement was […]
This week’s Torah reading begins by telling us that Jethro, Moses’s father-in-law, heard about the great experiences the Jews had experienced since they left Egypt and was inspired to join […]
As this week’s Torah reading describes the Jews’ exodus from Egypt, theTorah tells us (13:19) that Moses made sure to take Joseph’s bones with them.In reference to this deed of […]
This week’s Torah reading continues to discuss the ten plagues theEgyptians were afflicted with. As Moses visits Pharaoh to warn him about thenext plague, Moses challenges Pharaoh in the name […]
The verse in this week’s Torah reading states (6:13), “And God spoke toMoses and Aaron, and He commanded them upon the sons of Israel and uponPharaoh, the king of Egypt, […]
As Jacob neared his death, this week’s Torah reading quotes the blessingshe gave to each of his children. Every child got a unique blessing. To his sonJudah he said (49:12), […]
One of the great miracles we recently commemorated on Chanukah is the victory the Jews had over the Greeks. The Greeks severely oppressed the Jewish nation, especially in outlawing the […]