Recognition or Ridicule? In the beginning of this week’s Torah reading, Parshat Pinchas, Pinchas is recognized for his bravery in taking a stand for the Name of God and putting […]
Weekly Torah Portion
Insight and themes on the weekly Torah portion read aloud in synagogue.
In this week’s Torah reading, Parshas Chukas, the Jews near the the Promised Land. In preparation, they ask the king of Edom to allow them to pass through their land […]
In this week’s Torah reading, Parshas Korach, Korach confronts Moses, claiming that he too deserves no less an honorable status than Aaron, who was appointed as Kohen Gadol (high priest). […]
After the Jews left Egypt and received the Torah, God guided them through the desert to the Land of Israel which he had promised to grant them. In the beginning […]
In the beginning of this week’s Torah reading, Parshas Beha’alosecha, God commands Moses to instruct his brother Aaron in how to light the Menorah (a special candelabra which stood in […]
Everyone who reads this week’s Torah reading, Parshas Naso, cannot help but notice the repetition in the description of the sacrifices the Nesi’im brought. In honor of the inauguration of […]
This week’s Torah portion is Parshas Bamidbar, which is also the name of the fourth book of the Torah. The word bamidbar literally means “in the desert.” The desert is […]
This week’s Torah reading, Parshas Behar, warns us of the terrible curses that will befall the Jewish Nation as a whole if we God forbid forsake the Torah and become […]
This week’s Torah reading discusses various forbidden relationships, prefacing the topic with a warning that one should not get near such repulsive activities. Rabeinu Yonah (Shaa’rei Teshuvah, 3:80) explains that […]
In this week’s Torah reading, Parshas Metzorah, the Torah details the process of purification of the “Metzorah” – someone who was afflicted with Tzara’as (a specific kind of skin disease) […]