Every seven years, during the Holy Temple era, the king would get up on a platform and read a number of sections from the Torah which contain various commandments and […]
Weekly Torah Portion
Insight and themes on the weekly Torah portion read aloud in synagogue.
In this week’s Torah reading, Abraham was visited by three angels disguised as humans. Assuming them to be ordinary guests, Abraham ran to prepare a lavish meal for them. In […]
Parshas Nitzavim is a direct continuation from the end of Parshas Ki Savo, which we read last week. The main theme of Ki Savo was the Tochacha, the Admonition, in which Moses describes, in very […]
Everyone in Great Britain, The Realms and The Commonwealth, and the entire world for that matter, is witnessing history in the making. As I prepare this article for publication, we […]
As Rosh Hashana is next week, and many of us are planning our menus and cooking in advance, I thought it would be best to post the Rosh Hashana Sweets […]
This week’s Torah reading of Parshas Va’eschanan contains the passage of “Shema,” in which the Torah commands us, “And you shall love your God with your entire heart and your […]
Saying farewell is never easy, all the more so for people who have been together for many years, through thick and thin, and have developed a strong relationship. This week’s […]
In Parshas Matot, the tribes of Reuven and Gad approach Moses as they are about to enter the Promised Land and request that their designated shares of land be in […]
Parshas Chukas reports the demise of Aaron and tells us that the whole Jewish Nation cried, mourning his passing. Rashi notes that the verse says (20:29) that the “entire nation” […]
In Parshas Korach, Korach and his followers confronted Moses and accused him of appointing Aaron, his brother, as the High Priest without God instructing him to do so. The Talmud […]