Ever wonder where the power to bless comes from? Oorah’s Thursday Thought series continues with a thought-provoking look at the Torah portion of this week, Parshas Naso, featuring TorahMates coordinator […]
Weekly Torah Portion
Insight and themes on the weekly Torah portion read aloud in synagogue.
This week’s Torah reading discusses the laws of Sotah. If a man suspects his wife of being disloyal to him, he may give her a warning to refrain from secluding […]
Shavuos is not only a day on which we celebrate the fact that we got the Torah on this day thousands of years ago. Our Sages tell us (Yalkut Shimoni, […]
This week’s Torah reading, Parshat Bamidbar, records a calculation of the number of men from each of the tribes of the Jews in the desert. The Ramban (3:14) points out […]
Shaky Investments An old Yeshiva (Torah school) friend reached out to me a while back and asked me if I know anything about cryptocurrency. I told him I was only […]
Another powerful message from Oorah‘s Thursday Thought Series What is the secret to the Jews’ success? Oorah’s Thursday-Thought series continues with a thought-provoking look at the Torah portion of this […]
The Concept of Shemittah “Behar” means on the mountain. On the mountain of Sinai, Hashem (God) communicates to Moses the laws of the “Shemittah” or Sabbatical year: every seventh year, […]
How to Thank God Offering of Thanks וְכִֽי־תִזְבְּח֥וּ זֶֽבַח־תּוֹדָ֖ה לַֽהֹ’ לִרְצֹֽנְכֶ֖ם תִּזְבָּֽחוּ And when you slaughter a thanksgiving offering to Hashem, you shall slaughter it so that it should be […]
When we learn Torah, we soon find out that Hashem usually speaks directly to Moshe. Parshat Kedoshim is one of the rare occasions where Hashem speaks directly to the Jewish […]
Q: On Yom Kippur, the Cohen Gadol is required to remove his regular, colorful and golden vestments and don an all white outfit before entering the Holy of Holies to […]