Parsha Thought brought to you by TorahMates Coordinator Rabbi Shimon Beer
Weekly Torah Portion
This week’s Torah portion, Parshas Vayeira, picks up our story with Avraham three days after his bris milah, circumcision. In the heat of the day, Avraham is recovering in his […]
Changing how we perceive challenges This week’s Torah reading focuses on our Patriarch Abraham, who was faced with many hardships on his way to become one of the greatest people […]
Are we spiritually affected by the people around us? One of the biggest catastrophes the world ever experienced is recorded in this week’s Torah reading. The sins of the inhabitants […]
The holiday of Sukkot is one of the most joyous ones on the calendar, in fact Zman Simchateinu (the time of our joy) is one of its names! What better […]
This week’s Torah portion, Parshat Mikeitz, picks up our story after exactly two years have passed. Pharaoh has woken up from a night in which he dreams two disturbing dreams […]
In this week’s Torah portion, Parshas Vayeishev, Yaakov settles in Hevron with his family and twelve sons, who tend to his many flocks of sheep. He clearly favors Yosef, the […]
This week’s Torah portion, Parshas Vayetzei, Yaakov leaves his home in Be’er Sheva and goes to Charan, as he is instructed at the end of last week’s parsha. On the […]
In this week’s Torah portion, Parshat Toldot, Yitzchak and Rivka try for 20 years to have a child before Hashem answers their prayers and she becomes pregnant with twins. When […]
The bulk of Parshas Chayei Sarah deals with the famous story of Eliezer’s mission to find a wife for Isaac. The Torah tells us that Abraham sent his trusted servant, […]