Parshas Vayera In the beginning of this week’s Torah reading, Parshas Vayera, God came to visit Abraham. In the middle of Abraham’s audience, he spotted three travelers from afar and […]
Weekly Torah Portion
In this week’s Torah reading, Parshas Lech Lecha, God told Abraham (15:1) “Do not fear, I am your Shield, you have a lot of reward.” Rashi explains that Abraham was […]
During the times of Noach the world “was full of theft”. In other words, everyone was stealing. This begs the question: Why was everyone so caught up in theft? Didn’t […]
As Jacob neared his death, this week’s Torah reading quotes the blessingshe gave to each of his children. Every child got a unique blessing. To his sonJudah he said (49:12), […]
One of the great miracles we recently commemorated on Chanukah is the victory the Jews had over the Greeks. The Greeks severely oppressed the Jewish nation, especially in outlawing the […]
The bulk of Parshas Vayeishev, and the remainder of the book of Genesis, is devoted to the story of Joseph in Egypt. After Joseph was sold into slavery and brought […]
Rabbi A.L. Scheinbaum, Peninim on the Torah In this week’s parsha, our matriarch, Rochel, complains to Yaakov that he should do something about her barrenness. In an uncharacteristic manner, he […]
In this week’s parsha, Vayeira, we find Avraham Avinu sitting by the entrance of his tent on a hot day. This was no ordinary day, mind you. This was just […]
Changing how we perceive challenges. This week’s Torah reading focuses on our Patriarch Abraham, who was faced with many hardships on his way to becoming one of the greatest people […]
The joyous connection that Shabbos brings- week after week. This week’s Torah reading details the creation of the universe. God created the world in six days and rested on the […]