Teshuvah (Repentance) – A Daunting Task? As we enter the month of Elul, many people become more somber. They realize that judgment day is around the corner, and that they […]
Shabbat and Holidays
Ask the Rabbi with Rabbi Chaim Mintz What went wrong?! Why did Hashem (God) bring such horrors to our nation on Simchat Torah, one of the happiest days of the […]
He Who Is Forgiving Merits Forgiveness Yom Kippur – the day of atonement for our sins – is an exciting day. However, it’s not a “freebie”. One must repent properly […]
Ask the Rabbi with Rabbi Chaim Mintz The Rambam tells us that there are some sins for which the regular, proper teshuvah (repentance) process is enough, while other sins require […]
The King is in the Field The young nurse quietly slipped a piece of paper into my hand – it contained her name and private cell-phone number. “If you have […]
In Mizmor Lisoda, a part of our daily morning prayers, we say a passage from Tehillim (psalms): “Ivdu es Hashem bisimcha, bo’u lifanav birnana – serve Hashem with joy, come […]
There’s an anecdote in my wife’s family about how her uncle tried to give his father-in-law, her Zeidy Shmelka, directions to the Catskills that might avoid traffic. This was in […]
One of my favorite stories from Chovos HaLevavos is that of a certain chassid (as in close to Hashem, since it was written centuries before the Baal Shem Tov, founder […]
This Yom Kippur eve during the evening service, I got to a point in my prayers where I realized that there were things I had done during the past year […]
The Secret of Seven The posuk (Torah verse)[1] says, “A tzaddik (righteous person) falls seven times, and rises.” Seven is the number that signifies completeness. In space, there are seven […]