Take a Contribution or Give a Contribution? In the beginning of this week’s Torah reading, the Almighty gives the order to initiate a fundraising campaign to finance the Mishkan (Tabernacle). […]
Shabbat and Holidays
Your source for Purim resources, recipes, inspiration, and jokes. Find costume ideas for adults and kids and learn the story and customs of Purim!
Ask the Rabbi with Rabbi Chaim Mintz The Gemara (Sanhedrin 96b) tells us that Haman’s descendants converted to Judaism and became great Torah scholars. Why would the evil Haman, who […]
My God, Why have You Forsaken Me?! When Esther approached the inner chambers to stand before Achashveirosh, it was after three days of fasting and prayer. The chachamim (Torah sages) […]
Morning Rituals: Connecting Across Time Zones With a daughter in Israel, catching up on the day can be challenging. You see, when she’s well into the main part of her […]
Reflecting on Purim’s Lessons When Hashem taught Moshe the Torah, He gave Moshe time to pause and reflect on what he was told: these are manifested in the breaks and […]
The Purim Story On Purim, we read the Megillah – the Megillat Esther (Book of Esther). The Megillah tells the story about how the wicked Haman, who was second to […]
A Branded Seal If you recognize the title of this column as the name of a certain alcoholic product, you might find it quite appropriate for Purim time. However, I […]
Extra Time to Plan Ahead An extra Adar has got some of us planning for Pesach even earlier. With a few extra weeks to get things done, we can perhaps […]
Ask the Rabbi with Rabbi Chaim Mintz We say, “When Adar arrives, we increase happiness.” Where is the source for this, and why is the month of Adar, specifically, such […]
The Shabbos preceding Purim is known as “Shabbos Zachor” because of the special Torah portion we read on that day. Parshas Zachor details the battle against Amalek during the reign […]