Add meaning to your holiday with this beautiful sukkah poster Upon entering the sukkah on the first of the seven days of the holiday of Sukkot, there are certain thoughts […]
Shabbat and Holidays
Inspiration, information, tutorials, recipes, and more on Shabbat and the Jewish holidays celebrated throughout the year.
He Who Is Forgiving Merits Forgiveness Yom Kippur – the day of atonement for our sins – is an exciting day. However, it’s not a “freebie”. One must repent properly […]
Ask the Rabbi with Rabbi Chaim Mintz The Rambam tells us that there are some sins for which the regular, proper teshuvah (repentance) process is enough, while other sins require […]
The King is in the Field The young nurse quietly slipped a piece of paper into my hand – it contained her name and private cell-phone number. “If you have […]
It’s Rosh Hashanah – Fill Your Day with Joy? We are used to thinking of Rosh Hashanah as a day of awe which we approach with much trepidation. After all, […]
A Trip of a Lifetime I’ve written before about airline and travel status. In today’s world, there are dozens, hundreds, or maybe thousands, of experts, gurus and insiders who can […]
In Mizmor Lisoda, a part of our daily morning prayers, we say a passage from Tehillim (psalms): “Ivdu es Hashem bisimcha, bo’u lifanav birnana – serve Hashem with joy, come […]
Warming Food on Shabbos < Lesson 4: Putting Up Cholent In a Crockpot Lesson 5: Friday Night Cholent In this fifth lesson about warming food on Shabbos (or Shabbat), Rabbi […]
Dip the apple in the honey. What’s the message to take in? The apples are ripe blessings, With sweetness, may our year begin. But the honey is even sweeter, Though […]
There’s an anecdote in my wife’s family about how her uncle tried to give his father-in-law, her Zeidy Shmelka, directions to the Catskills that might avoid traffic. This was in […]