Shabbat and Holidays
Inspiration, information, tutorials, recipes, and more on Shabbat and the Jewish holidays celebrated throughout the year.
Rabbi Chaim Mintz delivers a short Simchat Torah Holiday message
Rabbi Chaim Mintz delivers a short inspirational message on the holiday of Sukkos
An inspirational message from Rabbi Chaim Mintz on Rosh Hashana. Wishing all of you a happy and healthy new year!
Rabbi Chaim Mintz offers a short message on Tisha Bav and how we can bring the redemption
Enjoy a short thought by Rabbi Chaim Mintz on the Fast of The Seventeenth of Tammuz.
A great take-along snack for your Chol Hamoed trip! Ingredients: 1 cup oil 2 cups sugar 2 eggs 2 cups potato starch 3 tablespoons vanilla sugar 1 package ground walnuts […]
a short, inspirational message to supercharge your Sukkos from Rabbi Chaim Mintz
Ever wonder what the sounds of the shofar are all about? Oorah’s founder, Rabbi Chaim Mintz, delivers a short Rosh Hashana message for Oorah’s families. You can watch Rabbi Mintz’s […]