On Yom Kippur, we say Viduy and Al Cheit multiple times, again and again admitting to our failures, our misdeeds, how we slipped up in the past year. We confess […]
Shabbat and Holidays
Inspiration, information, tutorials, recipes, and more on Shabbat and the Jewish holidays celebrated throughout the year.
Rosh Hashanah is upon us. Here’s some insight into the meaning behind the holiday’s festivities. And: What can we do to influence our judgment for the better? Rabbi Chaim Mintz, […]
You never want to be the same person you used to be. Oorah’s founder, Rabbi Chaim Mintz delivers a short Rosh Hashanah message for Oorah’s families. You can watch Rabbi […]
Ever wonder what the sounds of the “Shofar” are all about? Oorah’s founder, Rabbi Chaim Mintz delivers a short Rosh Hashanah message for Oorah’s families. You can watch Rabbi Mintz’s […]
Rosh Hashanah is also known as “Yom Teruah” (Day of Blowing the Shofar), but “Teruah” has more than one meaning…. Oorah’s founder, Rabbi Chaim Mintz delivers a short Rosh Hashanah […]
It’s Rosh Hashanah time, and G-d has lots in store for us, but are we willing to accept it? Oorah’s founder, Rabbi Chaim Mintz, delivers a short Rosh Hashanah message […]
There are many symbolic foods traditionally eaten at the Rosh Hashana meal. (This article does a good job explaining the background for this.) Probably the most well known, of course, […]
Honey cake is a tried and true Rosh Hashana tradition. But how many of us actually enjoy our cake? Here’s a recipe from Mrs. Horowitz, an Oorah employee who actually […]
Who doesn’t associate Rosh Hashana with apples? This super easy recipe from Mrs. Raizelle Serebrowski, director of the Oorah Rebbetzins program, gives you a new way to add them to […]
Umbrellas, like many other useful things in life, prove to be quite versatile. Which is how I found myself in the midst of last week’s hurricane, clutching an umbrella and […]