With lots of holiday meals and not too many flour-free recipes, you can always use another good kosher for Passover recipe. With this delicious matza brittle recipe, you won’t feel […]
Shabbat and Holidays
Inspiration, information, tutorials, recipes, and more on Shabbat and the Jewish holidays celebrated throughout the year.
LET MY PEOPLE KNOW: JEWISH JOKES FOR PESACH There is a special mitzvah (commandment) that can only be fulfilled once a year. I am referring to the mitzvah of sippur […]
In the busy pre-Yom Tov rush, the master chefs at Oorah join together to bring you an epic evening of Pesach meal planning. Enjoy the whirlwind of cooking, planning, recipes […]
In Parashas Korach, when the Jews complained in the Wilderness, the Torah tells us that an epidemic broke out, and Moshe directed Aharon to offer the special Incense offering (ketores) […]
Purim 101 – An Oorah Holiday Guide Oorah’s “10 Minute” guides are designed to help you “find your way around” the Yomim Tovim that mark the Jewish year. Our heritage […]
Purim Jokes and Riddles Why is the Shabbos before Purim called Shabbos Zachor?BECAUSE THAT IS THE LAST THING YOU WILL REMEMBER FOR A LONG TIME! What was Queen Esther’s royal […]
The Torah says that a person is not permitted to dress in the clothing of the opposite gender, but I’ve seen people do this when they dress up in Purim […]
Why do Jews drink on Purim? Where does this custom originate? Is everyone obligated to drink? Does the mitzvah have to be fulfilled with wine? The Talmud (Megillah 7b) states […]