Sukkot is known as the “time of our happiness”. While all Chagim are happy times, Sukkot stands out as the pinnacle of joy. Back in the days when the Beit […]
Shabbat and Holidays
Inspiration, information, tutorials, recipes, and more on Shabbat and the Jewish holidays celebrated throughout the year.
When pushed I sometimes concede to my family outside Israel that the chagim are not so different in the diaspora and in Israel. After all, most religious people spend the […]
While everyone is busy with Yom Kippur and Succos and all the mitzvos and preparations that go along with them, the latter part of Succos— Hoshana Rabbah— can get a […]
As we bid farewell with a heavy heart to the uplifting days of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, we look forward to the wonderful Yom Tov of Sukkos (Sukkot) –זמן […]
The Secret of Seven The posuk (Torah verse)[1] says, “A tzaddik (righteous person) falls seven times, and rises.” Seven is the number that signifies completeness. In space, there are seven […]
Teshuva shouldn’t be scary If we’re being honest, who doesn’t feel anxious, stressed, and mostly confused about the month of Elul? You realise that your life will be on the […]
Everyone in Great Britain, The Realms and The Commonwealth, and the entire world for that matter, is witnessing history in the making. As I prepare this article for publication, we […]
Many of us approach the day of Rosh Hashana with worry and fear, feeling that we’re not good enough and thinking that we didn’t improve in the past year. Why […]
As Rosh Hashana is next week, and many of us are planning our menus and cooking in advance, I thought it would be best to post the Rosh Hashana Sweets […]
The Hebrew month of Elul is upon us. What is significant about this month? An old Jewish saying goes “in Elul, even the fish in the water tremble”. The upcoming […]